Friday, July 30, 2010

Ceramics Round 3

In The Raticant, Bourriaud poses questions regarding globalization, multiculturalism, and postmodernism and the place these words have within the context of the art world. For example, why is it that globalization has so often been discussed from sociological, political, and economic points of view, but almost never from an aesthetic perspective? What is happening in the world is reflected in the art world and in dialogue with the contexts in which artworks are produced, creating a global vocabulary and dialogue. According to Bourriaud, within the context of postmodernism, multicultural ideology is 'a machine for erasing the origins of the "typical" and "authentic" elements that it propagates. The postmodern scene is one of contradictions where there is a play between universalism and preservation of the primitive, creating a tense relationship between colonizer and colonized. Modernism was even more far removed in its attempt at universalism because of its roots being purely western and rooted in industrialization. With the global and altermodernism landscape of today being embraced by most, is in a tough to consider the potential negative of cultures overlapping so much that cultural identity and tradition is in danger of being lost. We can defend diversity only by raising it to the level of cherished value which again can feel condescending. So, what do we do? We become radicant, setting ones roots in motion, growing new roots as it advances, denying them to completely define ones' identity, translating ideas, transcoding images, transplanting behaviors and exchanging rather than imposing, where journey takes form in contemporary culture.

As far as projects, all is well but the pressure is on. My boots have been bisque fired and I'm still planning to test tiles with Iron Oxide. I'm happy with my slip casted water bottles. I feel like they will be very marketable and am looking forward to treating each one very differently with glazes and plan to do a bit of experimenting. I have made twelve, two of which I trashed and ten of which have a quality of craftsmanship I can feel proud of. The wheel has been really frustrating for me but I have managed to make two cylinders for my mugs. Centering takes me a half an hour and is still not second nature but I'm feeling increasingly more comfortable with the whole process. I am enjoying it and wish I had more time with it but such is the nature of this course. I don't know if I have access to a wheel in my classroom in Barcelona but if so, I plan to take the time to master it next year!

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