After making clay and test tiles and experimenting with different routes toward a conceptual theme for my first hand built project, I think I have come to a place of clarity. For this piece I am hand building a pair of life sized boots with coils. It has been difficult to shape the toe to ankle, front portion of the boot but have succeeded. I think I'll wait to share more about the concept of this project until the wet critique for those who are not sure of what I'm making my boots for.
The readings we did for this week were fitting. I enjoyed Miwon Kwon's 'One Place After Another' about site-specific art and locational identity. I was most interested in the paragraph where socially conscious and politically committed art public art is addressed. The article addresses the idea that these sort of pieces become domesticated by their assimilation into the dominant culture, which is a notion I have not really considered. I also enjoyed our conversation about reproduction and art verses craft. I've not come to a conclusion on how I feel about the craftmaker not recieving any credit when an artists idea is done through the hands of another. This is a loaded issue and an age old debate and my feelings fluctuate about the issue.
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